*Universal Peace Symbol*

“True peace can come about on Earth among the world’s population only when every intelligent and rational human being finally takes the first step towards it without Gewalt, in order to then subsequently, in peacefulness, take every further step considerately and consciously up to the final consequence of the coming about of peace.”
SSSC, 10th September 2018, 16:43, Billy

*Universal Peace Symbol*

HELP US break the enormously strong 'religious energy block' by taking part in this Peace Meditation in order to bring about a change for the better with regard to the future of humanity on Earth.

*Universal Peace Symbol*

the Peace Meditation

Salome gam nan ben urda, gan njber asala hesporona!
Peace be on the Earth, and among all created-creations!

© 2023 Made with ❤️ by FIGU-ENGLAND.CO.UK
in association with FIGU.ORG

*Universal Peace Symbol*


*Universal Peace Symbol*


The flying devices/aircraft called UFOs by the human beings of Earth have nothing to do whatsoever with us Plejaren and our flying devices/aircraft.The flying devices/aircraft of the 'strangers' as well as the incidents of any kind concerning them, which have arisen or will continue to arise in connection with both the flying objects and the strangers/foreigners themselves, have nothing to do with us Plejaren.We Plejaren have in no form interfered in any earthly events, nor will we ever interfere, whatever may happen.We Plejaren will not, therefore, interfere in any earthly matters, happenings or occurrences that may arise in the future, also not in any regard or another concerning the strangers/foreigners and their UFO flying devices/aircraft.

*Universal Peace Symbol*


Safaar: However, what I now have to explain with regard to your question is that we Plejaren – and indeed already our earliest ancestors – have remained here on Earth because foresighted ones have recognised that in the far future the human beings here on this world will get very badly out of the control of the good human nature and indulge in belief in gods and all evil, hatred, killing, revenge, persecution and wars and thus murdering and so forth, as has already been the case with our primeval peoples, whose most distant future peoples only found true peace some 50,000 years ago according to the earthly calendar, which had already been striven for over millions of years through the efforts of righteous people and their successors and successors and successors, and so forth. And when this finally became reality, the beginning was not easy because there were still no human beings who really knew how true peace had to be created, formed and handled. Later, however, this changed, when humans and human-like beings developed naturally into beings of peace...We Plejaren, however, do not come to Earth to make contact with Earth human beings, and in fact we do not want anything from them, just as we do not want to make contact with the 'strangers/foreigners', as we call them, but we only come here because you teach and spread the teaching of Nokodemion, which has been established since time immemorial, to Earth human beings. To do something like this was already decided some 25 million years ago by our distant ancestors of that time, indeed even though they themselves had succumbed to the same evils as later the human beings on this world of Earth did. But the righteous ones of the peoples of that time already determined the becoming of the mission on this world in this DERN universe some 25 million years ago, and the decision of that time actually endured for 25 million years.However, more than 50,000 years ago, the resolution that had survived until then was taken up and it was decided that the request that had been made at that time should now be put into practice, and consequently everything was prepared such that that which had been decided could come about. Then everything was arranged the exact moment that the intended mission could begin and thus the 'teaching of truth, teaching of the Creation-energy, teaching of life' could find its beginning on this world, which means the real life of the human being, the way he/she should follow and the value he/she should develop in himself/herself and become a truthly human being.



We are a diverse group of individuals who meet monthly and share a keen interest in the writings of “Billy” Eduard Albert Meier and his on-going contacts with an extra-terrestrial race, known as the Plejaren. As a group, we strive to learn from each other, study together for our individual and collective development and promote the FIGU mission in England.



*Universal Peace Symbol*

Human beings of EarthDo not wallow in hatred, revenge, retaliation and destruction, but make within yourselves and make yourselves into a hearth of love, happiness and peace.Banish within yourselves hatred, revenge and retaliation and stop everything that brings death, sorrow, suffering, misery and destruction.Do not create unpeace, strife, war and annihilation, as well as wretchedness, gloom, harm, affliction, hardship, tribulation and pain, rather grow beyond yourselves and be greater in yourselves than your enemies and all antagonists.Only he/she who is weak seeks to gain a victory, his/her right, satisfaction and reparation in hatred, revenge and retaliation, but in doing so one destroys his/her right and creates unrightfulness, which makes one an enemy and a spawn of evil among his/her fellow human beings, as well as an outcast of society.Establish rightfulness and peace in yourselves and in the world, do not condemn, and recognise that those who harm you are pitiable in their thinking, deciding and acting, because they are weak, wretched in their speech, as well as incompetent ones and bunglers in their actions.Bring forth in yourselves love, happiness and peace, be good and do right in your thinking, decisions and actions, so that you are rightfully self-conscious and without fault, when you defend yourselves in a controlled wise against unright done to you, namely without discord, quarrel, war, death, Gewalt and destruction, because such brings only new unpeace, war-Gewalt and death.Be a true and effective human being who protects and preserves the valueful life of each and every human being from calamity and death, as you allow yourself every protection and preserve yourself from every calamity, because the next human being is a human being like you.

*Universal Peace Symbol*

SSSC, 10th September 2022, 12:51, Billy




Human Beings of EarthDo not wallow in hatred, revenge, retaliation and destruction, but make within yourselves and make yourselves into a hearth of love, happiness and peace.Banish within yourselves hatred, revenge and retaliation and stop everything that brings death, sorrow, suffering, misery and destruction.Do not create unpeace, strife, war and annihilation, as well as wretchedness, gloom, harm, affliction, hardship, tribulation and pain, rather grow beyond yourselves and be greater in yourselves than your enemies and all antagonists.Only he/she who is weak seeks to gain a victory, his/her right, satisfaction and reparation in hatred, revenge and retaliation, but in doing so one destroys his/her right and creates unrightfulness, which makes one an enemy and a spawn of evil among his/her fellow human beings, as well as an outcast of society.Establish rightfulness and peace in yourselves and in the world, do not condemn, and recognise that those who harm you are pitiable in their thinking, deciding and acting, because they are weak, wretched in their speech, as well as incompetent ones and bunglers in their actions.Bring forth in yourselves love, happiness and peace, be good and do right in your thinking, decisions and actions, so that you are rightfully self-conscious and without fault, when you defend yourselves in a controlled wise against unright done to you, namely without discord, quarrel, war, death, Gewalt and destruction, because such brings only new unpeace, war-Gewalt and death.Be a true and effective human being who protects and preserves the valueful life of each and every human being from calamity and death, as you allow yourself every protection and preserve yourself from every calamity, because the next human being is a human being like you.SSSC, 10th September 2022, 12:51, Billy


The flying devices/aircraft called UFOs by the human beings of Earth have nothing to do whatsoever with us Plejaren and our flying devices/aircraft.The flying devices/aircraft of the 'strangers' as well as the incidents of any kind concerning them, which have arisen or will continue to arise in connection with both the flying objects and the strangers/foreigners themselves, have nothing to do with us Plejaren.We Plejaren have in no form interfered in any earthly events, nor will we ever interfere, whatever may happen.We Plejaren will not, therefore, interfere in any earthly matters, happenings or occurrences that may arise in the future, also not in any regard or another concerning the strangers/foreigners and their UFO flying devices/aircraft.

*Universal Peace Symbol*